02 October 2007


Finish of the day by driving to our destination of Picton where we would catch the 1 pm ferry to Wellington. I will mention the drive along the east coast was less hilling and not as beautiful as we were so avidly told. However the constant view of the Southern Alps on our left made up for it all.

The ferry was really ruff and I thought I was seriously going to blow away when I went out on the sun deck.
Arrived in Wellington and sent a text to the Germans so we could meet up. Headed over to the Te Papa Museum before it closed to kill some time. Jeremiah and Duga didn’t want to stay in Wellington for the night (CAUSE THEY JUST HAD TO GET BACK TO AUCKLAND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!) and with no text back from the Germans we decided just leave Wellington.
As the story goes from there...

Where sitting at the gas station just outside town and finally receive a text saying to meet at 11pm. Jessica and I feeling devilish and with the thought in our heads “its our trip too” decide to scheme against the boys. I was driving and Jessica up front, the boys pretty much passed out from too much ice cream in the back, we closed the divider curtain. And yes well off to Auckland we go, BUT in reality I was really driving back into Wellington. We waited for the yelling from the back of the van, and new it would happen at anytime considering we kept passing all these signs for Wellington and how far ahead it was, but nothing. That is nothing until we actually get in the city and we hear a lot of cussing and ranting coming from the back. Our plan pretty much worked. And a night in Wellington made since. There was no reason to be driving roads we don’t know at god for saken hours of the night just to get back to Auckland to just do what, sit in your stupid flat and facebook it up. We had a good reason to take the ropes and turn the van around!

I then drove in circles for the next two hours looking for a place to park the van that wouldn’t cost us the usual pay and park fee. A parking garage miss hap (not my fault it said 8ft) crunch later and we arrived at the perfect spot. Just next to the water in a lot that was also occupied by some other travel vans such as ours. PERFECTO!..and it only took two stupid hours to find.
Well of course when you want to meet up with someone, especially the Germans Joe and Chris it’s usually never just 11. Its more like midnight and we’re still sitting at the bar waiting for them to show up. The night did however end up be heaps of fun and no regrets. As for Duga, he was still so pissed from our little trick that he stayed in the van the entire night.

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