17 November 2007

Botanical and Orchid Gardens

I can understand why Carrie is sad to leave her paradise. Who wouldn’t want to live here; a live in maid, swimming pool, taxi service, marble floors, etc.? Shoot, even I’ll be sad to leave this paradise and I’ll of only been here 10 days. I sure wish it were customary in America to have a maid in every household.

Decided I’d make the most of the sun while it was out and head over to the Botanical and Orchid Gardens. Wondered around the gardens for a bit and saw some of the most beautiful orchids I’ve ever seen. The colors are to die for.

Being in Singapore you just accept the fact that you’re going to be hot and sticky all the time. Quite a change for me considering I just came from the ideal temperature of 60’s and no humidity.

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