15 November 2007


New Zealand you will be truly missed, but will be recorded as the best experience of my life.

I left Auckland today. It’s quite sad seeing New Zealand from a distance in the plane window. Nevertheless I have new journeys to embark upon and I surely know I will be seeing all the wonderful friends I’ve made in my future travels. So I can’t get to awful sad about leaving.

A transit in Brisbane, the most absurd thing so far that has occurred. Pointless. Plain and simple. You get off the plane. Go through customs yet again, even though I went through customs before boarding the plane. Its pretty ridiculous considering you can’t possibly pick up anything illegal from the time you exit the plane to the 20-meter walk to customs in the air terminal. Oh and then I’m randomly selected to get some gsr chemical weapon test or whatever it was of my bags and am patted down. I mean seriously. I know its there job. But if they don’t choose me they choose some old lady or a Jessica Moler like they did at our stop over in Sydney; all while Hitler passes by. Oh and back to this transit thing. So I get to sit at the terminal and wait to board yet another plane that will take me to my destination. Thank you STA Travel for making this possible.

I finally arrived in Singapore at around 1:30 AM. The pilot makes the usual announcement but with “Singapore does not allow drugs into their country and anyone doing so will be prosecuted.” The guy sitting next to me and I laughed. For the sake of ‘duh you’ve got to be a complete moron to not know such a thing,’ I mean what country would allow you to actually legally drug traffic. But I guess some people are that dumb and just don’t get it cause apparently if caught you face the death penalty. And Singapore government isn’t joking. People have been hung for such a crime. Oh and I should mention you can get caned for such things as rape, pick pocketing, and vandalism. Gotta love that old colonial British legal system.

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