16 July 2007

castaway and rainy days

i feel like jessica and i are some old married couple..i told jessica this and she replied with "at least they have tv."

the feeling is almost like the movie Castaway...being dumped on an island. no tv, no cell phone. no car. and your only friend being a volleyball (jessica being the volleyball..no offense jessica). i hate even saying it but i seriously feel helpless with out my cellphone. i think its the knowing, i can't just pick up the phone and talk to my family or any of my friends; turn on the tv and watch daily catch; and no car too. i don't mind not having a car. its just the fact that public transportation here pretty much blows. its one of those cities like kc that everyone and their infant has a car. god. being in a society like america really ruins a person.

it rained today. that was the excitement.
oh and making fun of how many bed sore i think jessica will get from sleeping so much.


Anonymous said...

Oh my God. How do you bear up? I mean, no phone, no tv, the bus service blows, it rains, and a volleyball roomate. I guess life is hard all over the world, even in an exotic paradise. If I were you, I'd catch the first plane back to the States, and then I would send my father back to NZ to suffer in my place. Signed, Your Father

Mrs.FolZ said...

umm, i'm going to have to agree with the comment from :your father: it sounds like such a horrid time... hahaha. :)