20 July 2007

tour bus

We ended up having an unexpected party at our flat the other night. Jessica and I were in bed and Jeremiah (one of the guys from UCM) came over and was like GET UP we got people coming over. Its sweet throwing a party and not having to do anything like invite people.
Took an Auckland bus tour Friday through Unitec. The bus was black and purple and called purple rain. It was total Prince but no one got the joke when Jessica and I started singing. Heh. It took us to the sky city and over the Harbour bridge (which is an amazing view and they do bungee jumping off of it J!). We ended up at Devonport port/Devonport bay and got to walk up to the top of the mountain to experience the most amazingest view ever. It was truly breath taking and you’ll be able to tell from the photos. There were old little lookout stations too (mom you would have died. Total piratey.) We drove down along the waterfront and into Devonport where we got REAL fish and chips for lunch and ate along the beachfront. I got a bunch of purrty shells and got to walk along the shore. The water was cold (like as cold as that family trip to Long Island, New Jersey) but nice on the feet. After lunch we headed back over the Harbour bridge where we went to Mission bay. We only got ten minutes worth but it was perfect and I even found you some sea glass mom!
I thought coming here I would just be surrounded by kiwis, but because of the exchange program I’m meeting people from all over the world. It amazing and totally gives me a taste of every country without having to travel there.
The people here are wonderful too. Everyone is so so nice..even the taxi drivers. It’s just nice to be surrounded by people from Germany, Japan, Netherlands, México, Argentina, Finland, Sweden, Samoa, South Africa, and Fiji. Way better than being surrounded by Americans for 6 months. Haha. You would think because of all the accents it would get confusing but we’re all developing a knack for figuring out what everyone is trying to say.
I think the Swedes have the best English compared to us and it’s easy to relate to the Mexicans culture wise. I’ve discovered Finnish is the most bizarre language and so hard to even fathom understanding it.
It’s so funny to me to see every ones views on America and Americans in general. I never would have thought people from other countries really think we’re so shut in our ways and that we never travel outside the US. I’m glad the four of us are here to just prove not all Americans are typical. I should be getting paid for this. Isn’t this Bush’s job?..haha oh wait.

1 comment:

csweetland said...

I mean really... fresh fish and chips? come on... I can get that at McDonalds.. Who needs to travel thousands of miles to be around stinky foreign people? i would rather sit here in my filth, watch Jerry Springer (quality TV) and get fat off of Ben & Jerry's.
Then I like to get into my gas guzzler and drive to the nearest BBQ joint.. preferably in a gas station.. and chomp down on some ribs before the big football game.. Oh and Coors light.. Do they have that in NZ?
How about Nascar?
See.. NZ is not all that cracked up to be a destination site after all.
We have Mt. Rushmore and a big tall penis.. the Washington monument..
So.. there.. suck on those patriotic 2 wonders of the world.
Also.. They call themselves kiwi's... WTF?
The only Kiwi i know of comes in an amazing drink at Sonic.. and damn it is a great fruity drink.
Sunny days, walks on the beach, meeting "worldly" people has got nuttin on us americans.
God bless America! Jesus said it himself. It is in the bible. God Only blesses America.. everywhere else is just pockets of land on the map. I mean.. did Christopher Columbus even visit this magical place to spread disease to the Kiwi's? i think not!
So when that storm actually does come to this so called magical land filled with Harry Potter types.. you better take shelter cuz in America, god is on our side! and he will keep us safe. No wizard can do anything like that there.
although.. are there fairies that sprinkle pixie dust?
cuz if so... I am there in a heartbeat! Oh.. and Unicorns.. I love them.
no.. not at all i am. time to get back to being a slob in america.
Please bring home a pixie for me though. put her in your pocket and don't let customs see her magical wonderness.
miss you.. your jealous friend.