29 July 2007


We went took a trip up north to the hot springs on saturday..cept when we got to the "hot springs" we discovered it was really just a heated swimming pool with slides and screaming children. pay $15 to hang out with screaming children in a heated pee pool? no tank coo. so we walked to the end of the street and said HELLO GLORIOUS OCEAN!

There were pretty green shells and jessica and i each found a couple sand dollars...that ended up stinking up the entire car on the ride home. well actually. back up a second. the smell was from a "mr. stinky" which joe gave jessica knowing it was still alive. heh. jessica had know idea it was alive till we got in the car and i was like "jessica it smells like shit in here!" and shes all like "sam shut up it does not!" then she picks up the shell and smells it..OH and sure enough I WAS RIGHT. that shell stunk like baaaaaad..! it was quite funny.
We ended the day with a drive to Devonport for yummy fish and chips.

I went and saw the simpsons last night.. SO AMAZING I WANT TO SEE IT EVERY DAY..spider pig spider pig..seriously go see it!...

Everytime one of us gets an idea to go do something here. Everyone (all the abroad students at the village) somehow hears about it and is like oh that sounds fun, I think we'll go too. So a couple people are like ya i'm going to the movies tonight, then next thing you know 20 people are going. Its getting annoying. Like to point where i'm just not going to tell people what our plans are. We don't all have to do EVERYTHING together.

I woke up a few mornings ago and was limping in pain when I walked to the shower. I blamed the shoes I wore the night before and figured it would go away. But seriously it’s getting to the point where the only shoes I can wear are my running shoes and I have to walk on my tiptoe. I’m really considering finding a foot doctor or something. But all the doctor will say is, “ice, take a Tylenol, and stay off it..” I guess I’ll just keep whining to Jessica and pray it stops hurting.. However I’ve got a pretty sweet gangster walk going on..so I can’t complain to much. heh.

I think its funny the only thing we have in the fridge and pantry is beer and pasta. Talk about carb overload. I think its time we checked ourselves into the gym..and get a ride to the grocery. Because this is seriously getting ridiculous. Its past the point of starving children in Africa and moved to the bum outside that tries to bum a cigarette..cept in our case we’re just trying to bum a ride to get food cause were too lazy to walk.

I wanna give a shout to The Away Team and all the good news. I’m guessing the next step is a gold plated tour bus? ;)

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