14 July 2007


so the excitement of having apparent "high speed" wireless here has come to a crashing hault this morning...more like since i've been here.
first being its as slow as dial up, i think a snail could transport pictures to the states faster.
the second being the conspiracy of how jessicas computer gets four bars of signal and mine only gets one. which could be the reason of why its takes 9 hours to upload one dinky picture..which i have yet to accomplish. this annoyance has got to be solved because this type of crap annoys the shit out of me. once i figure this sherlock mystery i'll put the link up for your viewing pleasure.

in other news. jessica woke me up at 6 am due to her starvation. then i of course couldn't go back to bed so we layed around till 8 and finally got going. we took a nice 5 min. walk up to this cafe on the corner. it was very quaint and we were greeted by an older man with sweet flowing locks of white hair. everything there was organic free range, which was cool cause the menu said that 92% of eggs in new zealand come from chickens who our kept in cages their whole life with just enough room to turn around. same for pigs as well, who never even get to see sunlight or a blade of grass there whole life. tear. sounds familiar. hrm.

now heres where my fat kid side comes out. we both ordered coffees. and you should know that they don't brew coffee in new zealand. so there's no house brew like the states. its all espresso (which the white haired man told us, "we bought this $10,000 espresso machine so were damn well going to use it as much as we can"). i ordered this moccalatte. which is double espresso with chocolate milk and foam, oh and these amazing homemade marshmallows came with it. mmm. jessica ordered eggs Benedict with ham and i ampted for the french toast with bananas and berries with creme fresh. everything came out looking like bon appetite magazine. i usually can never eat all of my french toast order but i sure did this time. we prolly looked like starving children as we devoured the decadence.

....so of course after i leave my computer and go to jessicas i'm able to upload no problem. figures. what a bugger.


Gobblebox said...

omg i forgot ihave a blogspot lol

Mrs.FolZ said...
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