25 July 2007

no cardboard boxes here

just so everyone knows..i'll post a little of our new home..to prove jessica and i aren't living in some cardboard box together. heh.

this is the building our flat is in:

this is the living area and kitchen:

here is my lovely room:

and i was fortunate enough to get a view of trees rather then another building:

its funny. the only thing i brought from home was pictures of friends and family..
[which i need to print more here cause i only could find a few before i left. hint hint. maybe you readers out there can send me photos. my walls are lonely.]
what i'm getting at is the other american from our school, Jeremiah, brought a rope light (not even kidding), a tie-dye peace wall hanging, a tie-dye joes crab shack hanging, and some beer posters. jessica and i were like are you friggen kidding me?!! but whatever makes you feel at home man..i was just like dang maybe i should of brought a kansas flag or something. haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Samantha,Have read blog at Troop K since aunt D gave me address. The 26th is my last day as they had a new "floater" position going to bldgs. to give breaks & fill in.Of course they offered me 1st as I had "seniority",don't know what they would do if they really disliked me! Because of heat exhaustion 40 yrs ago I can't handle the 90o temp plus humidity. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen but I really never liked the "mushroom diet" yeh I learned more than I really wanted to know! N mowed yd Sun. while D took radiator out of Jeep found leak & more spots, she called mama C for equipment & they bought new rad. put it in, N helped. It was prob 100o in shade plus humidity! D called pm of 25th & said she was on work ph & called me to give message. I pass on to mama C who stop this am with cat food & we talk till noon. She had lots of ideas for work & property. A wants a real bedrm before going away to paint so took big rm. Wants bright cheerful color & choose bright pink(magenta). R now says my fault that I took her. T had earaache for 3 nights but Dr.said swimmers ear, only gave drops. Need to find out what grt. grn. daddy up to. A is leaving for Wisconsin vac. for wk. with school friend & family. L is ready for me to start major cleanup so we can build it & hopefully "they will come". Going home & load work gear. Go in at 7am & leave at 3pm Will feel like I left another life what relief! Would try to call if have number. Added fee on Sprintto call international hope works.Love & kisses. Nannie