19 September 2007


Met our kayak guide at 8am just down the way from our campsite. Then drove to Marahau to drop in the kayaks. Got a quick lesson on paddling from our guide Rowey, yes his name was Rowey, and eventually got our kayaks tractor pulled up to the water. Duga and I against Jessica and Jeremiah. The race was on, but it was clear who the winner would be…yep Duga and I win because we our “better then everyone else” as Jessica so bluntly stated. Stopped at a beach for lunch. First time I've ever had pumpkin soup and it was ahhhhhhhhMAZING! That and the banana carrot fudge top cake Rowey also brought for lunch. Ended our kayak adventure in Anchorage Bay for the night. Jessica and I paid $50 extra to stay on a house boat with meals included, while the boys aimed to stay in their tent. It ended up being us and two other couples, one couple being from Israel and the other from Australia. The sleeping was like dorm beds in the bottom of the boat. Bloody freezing and the headroom above my bed was literally 3 feet. The tent on the beach sounded pretty good at that point. But it was all worth it when we were cooked some steaks and brats, rice, coleslaw, and a Mexican bean casserole by the skipper. Then we all sat down to play an intense game of monopoly where the guy from Israel had us all bankrupt and property less by the end of things.

After monopoly the skipper took us all to shore and showed us a glowworm cave! Looks as if you’re looking at the stars. Then the skipper asked, "So how do you guys feel about bugs?" The response being, "What kind of bugs?" Jessica and I squirmed our way into a narrow entrance of another cave. AND then the flashlight was turned on and Jessica screamed right on cue. What appeared above our heads were these brown cricket grasshopper like things covering the wall ABOVE MY HEAD. Yep time to go back to the boat. Well the skipper also mentioned he had seen two blue eyed penguins nesting in the back of this cave a week previously. Too bad those little guys weren't still there. Would have much rather seen that then some creepy crawlers! As were headed back on our little raft boat and about half way to the houseboat the engine dies and what do ya know. Not a soul in sight. Just imagine seven adults using their arms as paddles as we paddled our little hearts to death back to the houseboat. Guess beer was on the house after this little incident.

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