27 September 2007


Sat in the parking lot and had breakfast in our van. Nacho came and hung out with us for a bit cause the rest of the traveling gang went skydiving. It was a beautiful day and we watched about a dozen Para-gliders land in the field in front of us. Plus I finally got to listen to my newly purchased Motion City Soundtrack CD.

Jessica and I left Queenstown at noon and drove to Invercargill. One of the easiest drives yet on the trip because of how flat the roads where, just like driving through Kansas. Arrived in town and ended up at Queens Park. A very big and beautiful park that even had a bird sanctuary. Fell in love with these little birds called Lovebirds that have big googly looking eyes and colorful feathers. I wanted to steal one, but couldn’t find one to be my friend. I’m hoping a pet store in the states will have one for me. After the park we wondered over to the information booth and stumbled upon a brochure for a backpacker sheep farm. Stay the night on a sheep farm and pet baby lambs. We were sold!! So we hit to the road and drove on to Tokanui taking the southern scenic root to the sheep farm at Slope Point. Finally FINALLY got to pet our first baby lambs! Jessica was in heaven and I think I stepped in poo.

Oh funny thing I should mention, when we were driving to the sheep farm we got a phone call from Duga saying he had lost Jeremiah on the hike. Kind amusing to us and at the same time what the hell our Jess and I gonna do about it.

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