24 September 2007


Drove to Queenstown in the morning and arrived midday. Decided after much debate and the words of Jessica saying to us “Go big or go home,” we broke down and did the scariest thing of our lives. Bungee jumping off the third highest in the world bungee jump, THE NEVUS! Eight seconds of free fall, jumping 440 feet into a canyon from a platform suspended by cables. I’m still scared shitless with just the thought. Even though I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Haha. Not sure where we got the balls to actually do it. Maybe it was the pit stop off at the pub down the street before, but you only live once so why the hell not.

Then we found a mexican restaurant where we all spent entirely too much money on food. But well worth it cause I haven't had mexican since the mexicans cooked for us all. mmmm.

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