28 September 2007


Woke up to baby lambs and got slobbered by the baby calf’s. Plus we got an extra special treat in the morning because one of the sheep gave birth!

Drove to Curio Bay/Porpoise Bay where I got to see my first wild penguin hanging out on a rock. A beautiful beach, as usual, and the waves crashing against the rocks looked like a movie scene. We also went to see a petrified forest that looked just like rocks on the shore, but was much greater then that up close (see photos).

We also wanted to go to Slope point, which is the southern most point of the south island, but because it is sheep shearing season the road was closed. Dang sheep ruining everything. SHEEP SHEEP SHEEP never seen so many in my entire life!

Decided it was late enough and drove back to Invercargill to meet the guys. They were grumpy and all they wanted was to sit in the van, so Jessica and I wondered over to what ended up being the lamest carnival on earth. Not even kidding! Got haggled out of $10 buck to some damn dart game. And all for a rooster and a blow up seal (which I managed to do a trade a few booths down just to get). Woo, but the highlight was probably the cotton candy I bought. Entire time spent at the carnival: 10 minutes.
After all this excitement we decided to hit the open road again and drive the scenic coast root up to Kaimataitai, where we slept on the side of the road so we could wake up and go to Nugget Point at sunrise.

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